Saturday, March 5, 2011

March 2011

I can't believe I got an A in Chemistry....but I did. So that's good, right?

But, a lot has happened since I last posted and a lot has NOT happened. All of which is leading me to really second guess myself about the nursing school thing.

I enrolled in the pre-reqs that Leslie suggested for Research and it is not only costing me a pretty penny, it's also kicking my butt mentally and making me really crave a People magazine! I don't really even have time to be posting this but I promised myself I'd keep track of this journey.

I'm taking Microbiology and Lab at JCCC along with Ethics and Theatre (!). Yes, you read that right....Theatre. Seems I was missing ONE hour of Humanities so instead of paying a million dollars for one credit hour at Rockhurst, I took a three hour course at JCCC for a fraction of the cost. I'm also taking a 6 hour course of Accelerated Anatomy and Physiology at Rockhurst, which I had to take a student loan for because it's so expensive there. None of these classes are particularly fun (with the exception of Theatre) and none of the teachers have captivated me either. All are pretty dry. The killer part is that I keep thinking "Why am I so intrigued with Theatre when I should really be intrigued with the science courses?" which leads me to believe that I'm not cut out for this nursing gig. Ugh.

I've been honest with the guys that this is not really what I want to do but at this point, I feel I'm too far in to back out now. I wish something else would land in my lap so I don't have to go through with this.

In the summer, I have to take two Christianity courses and and a Pathophysiology course at Rockhurst, which will be another million dollar student loan. Double ugh.

I've interviewed for the HCA Forgiveness loan and thought the interview went well. Of course, that was at the end of's now March and I haven't heard a word. This is driving me crazy. On one hand, it would be really nice to get it and not have to worry about having a job when I graduate. But on the other hand, I don't want to work for HCA nor do I want a two year commitment. I want to be at Children's Mercy more than anywhere else, and if I got on there, and we still wanted to move to Denver, I'd commute for my job. Whatevs.

I did interview and was accepted into the part time LPN program at JCCC but turned it down due to the accelerated BSN option. I do still want to get into the RN program at JCCC so I have a plan B....just in case I get to the end of this semester and I'm close to having a nervous breakdown from the workload. They said I would hear from them by the end of February and still no word. This crap is getting old.

I applied for a scholarship through Westwood and should know about that by the March 10th.

I'm loving my internship with CMH.....loving on the babies is my cup of tea. Plus it's such a happy place. I just haven't really bonded with any of the nurses yet and am hoping that happens soon.

I've been on call several times for Safehome and have yet to be called....although the being on call thing is annoying and I'm pretty sure that after the first time I get called, I will dump this gig. If I can continue to be on call....without actually getting called....that would be great.

Anyway, it's about spring break time and so far....knock on wood.....I have an A in all my classes. I'm pretty borderline though so that could go down. I just need to keep my nose to the grindstone and have some faith.