Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Almost at the End of Pre-Requisites

Yesterday was the end of spring semester and it came in the form of a surprise. I thought I had finals all this week and so after my Theatre final yesterday, I went by my Ethics' professor's office to pick up my fourth exam to study from (comprehensive final). He had indicated at the first of the term that we would be able to drop our lowest test score. I had aced all four tests so, just as a joke, I asked if he would consider allowing me to drop the final. Shock....he said yes! So, just like that, I was done two days early. Nice.

This semester really tested me. In reading my last post, I was really questioning whether or not this is the right path for me. And, unfortunately, I still question it, but maybe not as much. I finally was so distraught that I made an appointment with a counselor. She was really great to talk to. Unbiased and thoughtful. What I didn't realize is that when she took me on as a client (patient?), she already had one foot out the door to pursue other ventures. I was only able to see her three times. But, honestly, I think that's all I needed. It was just nice to say "What if I hate it?" to someone who wasn't going to freak out on me. Her question back to me was "Yes, but what if you don't?" She opened my eyes to the world of possibilities with nursing. She even mentioned being a nurse marketing rep for a drug or healthcare, talking to people, no one would be sick, and the money probably wouldn't be too shabby either. It definitely sparked my interest. Best of all, she calmed me down. (and kind of talked me off the ledge....)

In the last post, I was pretty intrigued with my Theatre class. The work load in that class squelched that excitement. His tests were hard, he loaded on the homework and, because I didn't have time to put in the lab hours required (set building; etc.), I had to write a 10 minute play, which as it turns out, I'm terrible at! It was not witty, he told me it was boring, I had to rewrite it. BUT, instead of getting mad, it just served to show me that the idea of watching theatre is a whole lot more fun than actually being involved in theater. Plus the kids that were in theater were so narcissistic that I'd have to kill them if I had to see them on a daily basis.

Ethics was a bore but ended up being an easy class.

Accelerated A & P at Rockhurst was the biggest work load. I had to memorize page after page of information to pass bi-weekly tests. In essence, I taught myself. I put in HOURS of time to prepare for those tests and it paid off because I got an A! At first, I was kind of excited about the class because it would be the girls I will be in school with at Research but as it turns out, I really only got to know one person. Her name is Jill and she's my age. I like her. She's really smart though so don't know if she'll eventually be able to tell what a dumb shit I am. The other girls were not that friendly.

Micro Lecture and Lab were with two different teachers. Lab ended up being only so-so hard. Tests were hard but labs were pretty easy. Although, to be honest, I never knew what I was doing. Luckily for me, I sat with McKenzie (a girl from my CNA class) and Jenny, a gal from Lawrence, who I ended up laughing with a lot. This other girl, instructor!....was a colossal pain in the ass. And, our teacher....TERRIBLE. Condescending, rude, never prepared for class. Still, I got an A. Go figure.

Lecture was one of the hardest teachers I've ever had. Super fast lecturer. Insisted that we tape her lectures and listen to them when studying for the tests. I tried that route but couldn't stand listening to her again so I just tried to write as fast as I could and then studied hard with McKenzie for the tests. I might have gotten a B in this class. Haven't gotten my grades back yet. The points for class came exclusively from four tests. That's it. Stressful.

I have the next 19 days to relax, get projects done and gear up for my summer courses. Get my immunizations done, buy scrubs and all the other crap I'll need.

Oh, update; I received the Westwood Scholarship, I received the HCA Tuition Forgiveness, I was accepted into the RN program at JCCC (but declined it) all of the things I've set out to accomplish have been accomplished. There is no reason to think I can't get the job that I want when this is all said and done. I just need to keep pushing on.

Still volunteering at Children's Mercy and loving it. Although in the last couple of days, I have been toying with the idea of giving it up if I end up needing more time off from the program.

And, still on call for Safehome but haven't been called yet. So far, so good.

I'll check in later....when I've gotten a handle on the Pathophysiology class (which I've heard is one of the hardest I'll take...yikes) and my two Christianity classes (which for some reason I think will be blow off classes. Past experience only goes to show that I shouldn't make those assumptions. Remember Theater?)