Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Summer Before.....

So, I wasn't quite sure what my grades would be last semester. I got all As!!! I couldn't believe it. I worked my ass off, though.

I don't, however, think that will be the case though this summer. I've already finished up one Christianity class, with an A. And yesterday I started the 2nd Christianity class and there's no reason to believe I won't get an A in it either if I pay attention. However, the Pathophysiology class I'm taking is kick-ing my butt. A test every week. Online. No lecture. Study guides that are so vague that you have no idea how much detail you need to know....on topics that you've never heard of before. I never get a break from it. I've got a solid B average after 5 tests and I just know if I can keep the B, I'll be pleased with it. It would be just like getting an A in any other class. I only have three more tests to go and this class will be in the PAST. That will be a day to celebrate. Of course, that means it's time for the program to start, which scares the pee waddle out of me.

The beauty of the Patho class is that everyone seems to be feeling the very same. We now have a Facebook group of our AO class and everyone is posting how Patho is driving them to drink. So slowly I'm figuring out which person is which. Some of them have friended me on Facebook....Dana (who is struggling in Patho), Ashley (who just got married this past weekend and knows Frank). In addition, I met two girls in my Christianity class...Rachel and Melissa. I was studying with Melissa every Monday and she invited another gal, Neila, to study with us but now Melissa has decided to study on her own. So Neila and I are still studying together and we have a pretty good rhythm. Also, Neila is in my Christianity II class as well. It will feel good to walk into orientation in August already knowing some people. And the whole group is getting together for some drinks next Thursday as well.

I've taken the idea of healthcare marketing a step further and found that Cerner might be a really good match for me. They market healthcare software and, according to Melissa, hire nurses all the time to travel around and teach the software. I would LOVE that. Unfortunately, they want experience so I'm going to have to either bide my time or figure a way around that. And their pay is supposed to be GREAT.

Slowly but surely, I'm getting all my other stuff together for school....books, supplies, clothing...and so far, haven't broken the bank doing so. One set of scrubs instead of two, a used Research polo from a previous student, older edition books (hopefully that won't present a problem).

Haven't heard from Westwood on the scholarship yet. I wrote them a letter and requested two years instead of one since the program is so intense. And am waiting to hear back from them.

Still working at Children's Mercy and still love holding babies but the whole excitement of being there is waning. Could just be that I'm tired and would love to have one morning to sleep in.

Had to quit at Safehome because I missed a call. I didn't want to spend the time on the phone apologizing to the gal in charge so I sent her a letter of resignation. And I'm sure with the way I worded it that I have not burned any bridges there. Whew.

I'll keep you posted. In about a month, this summer will be in the history books. Doesn't seem possible. You can tell I'm getting tired of studying because I'm not using complete sentences anymore.