Saturday, December 3, 2011

End of First Semester!

Best way to describe this semester is that I've felt like I'm just trying to keep my head above water so I don't drown. It has been HARD. The stacks of lecture notes you have to know before tests is mind-boggling. And you just don't get much of a break. Every time I pass a test, my celebration time is short-lived because it's time to start studying for the next one.

And you always have clinicals thrown in right in the middle of your week so the fact that you have to be at the hospital at 0' dark hundred means that you're so exhausted, you can't hardly study anyway. Every time I sit down on my bed with every intention of conquering the vast amount of info I need to know, I end up sideways on my bed, crashed out.

And what about clinicals? They are so gross (people pooping all over, disgusting things coming out of tubes from every orifice of their bodies, the most God awful smells....ugh!), I am completely out of my comfort zone and I don't really feel like I know much more than I did before I started. The beauty has been that my clinical instructor is so exhausted from what she's doing (getting her masters and working full time) that she has hardly been a task master. I may be in for a rude awakening next semester.

I feel really bonded with the people in the class but wonder if, after all is said and done, if I'll remain friends with them? I want to but once we all go our separate ways, we may not have as much in common.

I was chosen to talk to the incoming AO students and that made me feel like I had one up on them. A nice feeling for sure. Kerry is part of that class and that means she will always be one step behind me. Nice.

We lost two girls this past Monday when they didn't make the grade for their Adult Health tests....Rachel and Jenna. I guess they will graduate with the class I spoke to.

Well, gotta sign off because it's time to gear up for the HESI exam (tells me how much I've learned *not much* and far I have to go *very far*).