Friday, November 12, 2010

November 12, 2010

Well, Murphy's Law strikes again.....about the third week of October, I sat down in my bed, laptop in front of me, right before turning in for the night and there it email from Research that said "CONGRATULATIONS!" I couldn't even believe it, let alone get excited about it. After all, I dropped that Physiology class.

The next day I emailed Leslie Mendenhall (who is in charge of admittance into the program) to see if we could meet and go over whether there was even a chance of me accomplishing the pre-reqs. For several days before the scheduled meeting, I wouldn't even tell people I got in because I wasn't sure. I thought if she seemed skeptical about me getting them done in time, I wouldn't even give it another thought.

Then I met with her and she didn't seem particularly phased about me getting it all done before next August. It won't be easy but she said it would be do-able. Then I find out that HCA is only giving 52 forgiveness loans and that we'll have to interview with them. I keep hoping that the interview will take place before I have to pay Rockhurst. The pre-reqs at R.U. next semester alone are almost $4000! Of course, it's November 12th and I haven't heard a word about the interviews.

If it doesn't fall into place, it doesn't. I am going to go ahead and interview for the LPN program at JCCC as well. My interview for that is next week.

In the meantime, I decided I would do some volunteer work to spruce up my resume. So I applied and interviewed for a position at Safehome. It is a hospital advocate position for all 5 of the Johnson County hospitals. If they have a domestic violence victim who comes in and wants to meet with someone from Safehome, they will call me and I have 30 minutes to get there. I have already done some of the training (8 hours to be exact) so that should be starting soon. I'm a little leery of being in an emergency room and what kind of gore I might encounter but I do know if I can handle it, the contacts that I would make would be invaluable.

I also applied and interviewed for a student internship program at Children's Mercy Hospital. They made me jump through major hoops as far as getting the paperwork done and the references submitted but I was given the internship. Of course, as luck would have it, I had to have a flu shot, a tetanus shot and have my blood drawn. Evidently they test for latent TB and I am high risk as a flight attendant. I told them that I had a negative TB skin test in May but they said this test is much more extensive. It came back positive! So now I am sweating bullets about whether or not to retest, I don't want it reported to OSHA and have it affect my chances of getting hired after graduation, I don't want to take the medicine for 9 months as everyone says it is hard on your liver; etc. I have a call in to Dr. Bowlin to get his advice and for now I am stalling with the nurse at CMH.

So....there's where I'm currently at. I'm taking Chemistry this semester at JCCC and so far, I still have an A. I'm very worried about keeping it because this is one of the hardest classes I've ever taken!

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