Sunday, January 18, 2009

I Wasn't Late to Class!

In fact, I was like the 3rd one there out of about 25 people. I packed my little school bag with the textbook, a couple of pens, a new notebook, a bottle of water and a couple of granola bars. (The class is 2 hours and 45 minutes so I thought I would get hungry!) Of course, the first thing I see is a sign that says no food or drink in the classroom. Next thing I figured out is that I left my reading glasses at home. Not good.

I was a little shell shocked to find out that instead of just studying and aceing the tests like I thought I would be doing, I have to do some of the assignments with other students! What?!

These are young kids, people! My group consists of Tracy (darling girl who has twin 5 year old daughters), Dominique (African-American sporting a Gnarls Barkley tee) and Ryan & Ben (two white boys who look exactly alike - I really don't know which one is which).

Okay, now that I've wrapped my head around this "working with other people" thing, I think it will be great. I've been in a rut lately due to no one at work to talk to so maybe this is an answer to my prayers.

Age is relative. I don't feel old so I must not be, right? In addition, when we introduced ourselves to the class, I realized most of them were also trying to get into nursing so these are my future co-workers.

Added bonus: they changed instructors at the last minute and she was unprepared for class thus we got out an hour and 15 minutes early!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

It Officially Starts Today!

I'm sitting in bed on Saturday morning and my first class starts at 11:00. I quit my job as a flight attendant in August and have decided to go back to school as a nurse.

Truth is...I didn't really want to quit flying but I listened to everybody else tell me I SHOULD take the buy-out and now I feel like I've cut off my right arm. I'm working my first 40 hour work week job and HATE it. It's mind numbing work, I don't converse with anyone and I need more time off for "me" time.

So...I've heard that nursing offers a great schedule and terrific pay. It's practically recession proof, which is good in this day and time. I'm a little concerned about the blood and guts part of it but my friend told me that I can steer away from that part of it if I choose. I definitely choose.

I have to take some prerequisites in order to apply for nursing school and I'm enrolled in Psychology and Algebra. Algebra doesn't start until March (phew!) and Psych starts today. (Every Saturday until May)

I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. I'm sure I'll be the oldest in the classroom. I'll check in with you later.