Sunday, January 18, 2009

I Wasn't Late to Class!

In fact, I was like the 3rd one there out of about 25 people. I packed my little school bag with the textbook, a couple of pens, a new notebook, a bottle of water and a couple of granola bars. (The class is 2 hours and 45 minutes so I thought I would get hungry!) Of course, the first thing I see is a sign that says no food or drink in the classroom. Next thing I figured out is that I left my reading glasses at home. Not good.

I was a little shell shocked to find out that instead of just studying and aceing the tests like I thought I would be doing, I have to do some of the assignments with other students! What?!

These are young kids, people! My group consists of Tracy (darling girl who has twin 5 year old daughters), Dominique (African-American sporting a Gnarls Barkley tee) and Ryan & Ben (two white boys who look exactly alike - I really don't know which one is which).

Okay, now that I've wrapped my head around this "working with other people" thing, I think it will be great. I've been in a rut lately due to no one at work to talk to so maybe this is an answer to my prayers.

Age is relative. I don't feel old so I must not be, right? In addition, when we introduced ourselves to the class, I realized most of them were also trying to get into nursing so these are my future co-workers.

Added bonus: they changed instructors at the last minute and she was unprepared for class thus we got out an hour and 15 minutes early!!!

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