Friday, April 2, 2010

Pounding Right Through the Prerequisites

Wow, I kind of forgot about this blog....I've been that busy with school. I'll recap what I've done so far:

I last posted just as I was starting Psychology (which I took because it was a pre-req for Penn Valley; I had taken it way back when but got a C so I retook it to up the grade). It was a fun class; I liked the people, it was interesting and best of all, I got an A!

In the spring of 2009, I took a mid semester class of Algebra. It was an introductory class (I had to take it because I bombed the math part of the entrance exams). Man, my head just doesn't like was very challenging! But, drumroll, I got an A!!

In the summer, I decided to take two classes online. Word of advice: don't do it!!! I took Nutrition and Human Development. They almost killed me. It was 7 weeks of pure torture...tons of homework, LOTS of reading and, worst of all, timed tests! Anything timed stresses me out. But, get this....I got an A in both classes!

In the fall of 2009, I had slotted to take Chemistry. Chemistry stresses me out because when I took it in college way back when, it was my "diploma" class...meaning that if I didn't finally pass it, no diploma for me. Way back when, I took it a couple of times. I have conveniently blocked the specific grades out of my mind but I think it was F, D, and finally C. Regardless, science courses for the nursing program have to be current (within the last 5 years) so I have to take it again. I'm just hoping I'm a better student now. Well, DH decided to start commuting for his job between KC and Denver and that left me working full time and running two teens to all their many activities. Didn't think I could pull off a decent grade in Chem as well so I dropped it. In doing so, I almost lost my momentum for nursing school. The semester off was nice but then I really did feel trapped in my job.

In December, I revisited the idea of starting back up again. DH was getting disillusioned with the commute, the kids didn't want to move to made sense for me to start to pursue nursing again. In doing so, I had to change community colleges because we are on the opposite side of the state line now. I waited a little too long to enroll and had to sweat a few bullets to get into the class I needed to proceed. BUT..I finally got in after a few others had dropped for lack of funds.

I'm now taking Anatomy and Physiology and...whewee! is HARD. We've had four tests so far and I'm still a little shocked that so far I'm pulling off an A.

So there we go....on Monday, enrollment opens for the summer and I'm a little stressed that there are only ten open spots for the ONE CNA class I can take. (Certified Nursing Assistant). I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll get in.

In the fall, I will take Chemistry (!) and then apply for the part time LPN program. If accepted, I will start in January. I will also be applying for the full time program (LPN) and the RN program. If accepted into either one of those, they will start in September of 2011. Which means that I will need to also take Microbiology in the summer of 2011.

Hopefully I won't wait so long to post this time.

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